The Obituary of Sir Isaac Newton

"London, April 24, 1727. This day the remains of Sir Isaac Newton, Knt. late President of the Royal Society, were interred in Westminster Abbey. He was born at Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire, Dec. 25, 1642. His father, who was a farmer, dying while he was yet an infant, he was left to the care of his mother; and the circumstances of his childhood were such as to afford him very little education. He was sent to the grammar-school at Grantham, in the same county, where he made such progress, that he was afterwards sent to Cambridge, where he took his degree of M. A. He was then elected Fellow of Trinity College, and in 1669 he was appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, an office which he continued to hold until his death. He was a man of great learning, and his works will long remain a monument of his genius and industry. He died March 20, 1726-7."

This notice provides a brief overview of Sir Isaac Newton's life and career and announces the date and location of his funeral. It does not include personal details or tributes, as obituaries in the modern sense did not yet exist at that time.

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